Join Us at Phoenix Fear Con VIII!
1st, a huge thank you to everyone who came out to HalloweenCon & to Joseph Abel for a great 1st-time con! Thank you for inviting us to be a vendor! We had a great time & loved meeting new people & running into some loyal fans. We didn't get a lot of photos, mainly due to being busy plus one of us is literally shorted handed right now cause she injured herself right before a convention <coughsuzzettecough>. Lol. We did have the pleasure of meeting Butch Patrick & getting a selfie with the piece he signed. Yay! We got to...
Join us at HalloweenCon!
We will be at HalloweenCon on Saturday, October 12, 2019, 10am-11pm. Mesa Convention Center 263 N Center St, Mesa, AZ, 85201 Convention tickets available online: Kids under 10 are free!